Token storage

Token storage is used for keeping authentication token value from the Laravel API available for module consumption during requests assembling.

Storage is used only when sanctum.mode equals to token.

By default, if there is no custom token storage defined, cookies will be used.

How it works

Each token storage implements the following interface:

 * Handlers to work with authentication token.
export interface TokenStorage {
     * Function to load a token from the storage.
    get: (app: NuxtApp) => Promise<string | undefined>;
     * Function to save a token to the storage.
    set: (app: NuxtApp, token?: string) => Promise<void>;

After the user sends credentials to the API module passes a token from the response to set method as well as the current Nuxt application instance to allow calls like app.runWithConext().

Once the user logs out, the module sends undefined as a token value to reset the stored value.

Before each request against the API, the module loads the token by calling get method with Nuxt instance passed.

Define token storage

You can define your own handler in the app.config.ts configuration file and it will be automatically used by the module:

// LocalStorage example for Laravel Authentication token
const tokenStorageKey = '';
const localTokenStorage: TokenStorage = {
    get: async () => {
        if (import.meta.server) {
            return undefined;

        return window.localStorage.getItem(tokenStorageKey) ?? undefined;

    set: async (app: NuxtApp, token?: string) => {
        if (import.meta.server) {

        if (!token) {

        window.localStorage.setItem(tokenStorageKey, token);

export default defineAppConfig({
    sanctum: {
        tokenStorage: localTokenStorage,

Now your application will store tokens in a local storage of your browser.

Keep in mind, localStorage is not available for SSR mode, so you should turn it off in your nuxt.config.ts.

Last updated