Global middleware


Instead of usage sanctum:auth and sanctum:guest on each page, you can enable global middleware that checks every route and restricts unauthenticated access.

The behavior of this middleware is the same as global middleware in Nuxt applications.

Once global middleware is enabled, you can no longer use sanctum:auth and sanctum:guest on your pages.


To enable middleware, use the following configuration in your nuxt.config.ts

sanctum: {
    baseUrl: 'http://localhost:80',
    redirect: {
        onAuthOnly: '/login',
        onGuestOnly: '/profile',
    globalMiddleware: {
        enabled: true,

Keep in mind, you must define onAuthOnly and onGuestOnly routes to help the plugin understand which page should be excluded from the middleware.

  • onAuthOnly - this route is used to redirect unauthenticated users to let them log in, similar to sanctum:auth middleware

  • onGuestOnly - this route is used to redirect already authenticated users, similar to sanctum:guest middleware


If you want to exclude an additional page besides onAuthOnly route, then you can define page metadata like in the example below:

    sanctum: {
        excluded: true,

This page will not be checked by global middleware regardless of user authentication status.

Guest mode

Sometimes, you may have more than one page which are available only for unauthenticated users, for instance:

  • "Sign up" page

  • "Forgot my password" page

In these situations, you can use sanctum.guestOnly property of the page meta:

    sanctum: {
        guestOnly: true,

Keep in mind, that those pages still will be handled by global middleware to check the user authentication state, so for public pages, it is still better to use sanctum.excluded to speed up the loading process.

Non-existing routes

By default, when a user requests a non-existing route an error page will be thrown with 404 status, but you can also enable redirect to onAuthOnly instead by setting allow404WithoutAuth to false.

sanctum: {
    baseUrl: 'http://localhost:80',
    redirect: {
        onAuthOnly: '/login',
        onGuestOnly: '/profile',
    globalMiddleware: {
        enabled: true,
        allow404WithoutAuth: false,

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