Breeze Nuxt template

A quick introduction to the application template based on Nuxt for the Laravel Sanctum API backend.

Suppose you want to start a fresh project based on Nuxt and Laravel Sanctum with Laravel Echo integration.

In that case, you may consider trying out the template repository that has implemented Echo integration and all authentication logic and also contains several pages such as:

  • Landing

  • Login

  • Sign up

  • Password reset

  • Dashboard

The repository is available here - breeze-nuxt, follow the guide in the file to set up Laravel API and connect it to the front-end application.

Also, it uses the Nuxt UI module that allows you to start building complex interfaces with ease thanks to predefined components and Tailwind CSS. For more details, check the repository.

As for the backend API part, we also have you covered. Check out our breeze-api template.

Last updated